
Advantages and options for Early Orthodontic Treatment

Importance of Interceptive orthodontics (early orthodontic treatment)

  1. Prevention of Future Issues:
    Addressing issues like overcrowding, improper bite alignment, or jaw discrepancies early.
    Braces America Dr. Nader Dayani can help prevent or intercept the development of more serious orthodontic problems in the future.
    The American Association of Orthodontists | AAO (aaoinfo.org)
  2. Facilitates Proper Growth:
    Orthodontic treatment early in children makes it easier to address and correct issues since their jaw is still growing and developing.
  3. Improved Oral Health:
    Fixing orthodontic issues can improve oral health, tooth decay, and gum disease through easier ability to clean teeth.
  4. Enhanced Self-Esteem:
    By addressing orthodontic issues early, a child’s smile and bite will improve, making children increase self-confidence.

Treatment options

  1. Braces:
    Traditional braces with metal brackets and wires are effective in gradually moving teeth into proper alignment.
  2. Clear Aligners:
    Clear aligner systems, such as Invisalign Teen, are removable and nearly invisible, which can be appealing for teenagers concerned about their appearance.
  3. Space Maintainers:
    Space maintainers prevent adjacent teeth from shifting into the space when a child loses a baby tooth prematurely, thus allowing room for the permanent tooth to come in properly.
  4. Expanders:
    Palatal expanders are devices, commonly used in growing children, to widen the upper jaw to correct issues such as crossbites or crowded teeth.
  5. Functional Appliances:
    Orthodontists use functional appliances, such as Herbst appliances or Forsus springs, to correct bite discrepancies or jaw alignment issues.
  6. Headgear:
    In some cases, headgear, typically worn at home for a specific period each day, may be recommended to correct bite problems or ensure proper jaw growth.

Early orthodontic treatment is customized to each child, to address their specific needs. Regular monitoring and adjustments are vital to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment and to follow the child’s teeth and jaw development.

Your first initial consultation:
Braces America Dr. Nader Dayani Orthodontist.
Los Angeles California, Irvine California, and surrounding area.
Best orthodontics office in Los Angeles and Irvine – Braces America

Complimentary and can be contacted at:
Los Angeles office: (310)- 826- 7494
Irvine office: (949)- 552- 5890

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